Now, after
awhile, they perceived afar off, one coming softly, and alone, all along
the highway, to meet them. Then said Christian to his fellow, Yonder is a man
with his back towards Zion, and he is coming to meet us.
Hopeful: I see him; let us take heed to ourselves now, lest
he should prove a Flatterer also. So he drew nearer and nearer, and at last
came up to them. His name was Atheist, and he asked them whither they were
Christian: We are going to Mount Zion.
Then Atheist fell into a very great laughter.
Christian: What’s the meaning of your laughter?
Atheist: I laugh to see what ignorant persons you are, to
take upon you so tedious a journey, and yet are like to have nothing but your
travel for your pains.
Christian: Why, man, do you think we shall not be received?
Atheist: Received! There is not such a place as you dream of
in all this world.
Christian: But there is in the world to come.
Atheist: When I was at home in mine own country I heard as
you now affirm, and from that hearing went out to see, and have been seeking
this city these twenty years, but find no more of it than I did the first day I
set out.
Christian: We have both heard, and believe, that there is
such a place to be found.
Atheist: Had not I, when at home, believed, I had not come
thus far to seek; but finding none, (and yet I should, had there been such a
place to be found, for I have gone to seek it farther than you,) I am going
back again, and will seek to refresh myself with the things that I then cast
away for hopes of that which I now see is not.
Christian: Then said Christian to Hopeful his companion, Is
it true which this man hath said?
Hopeful: Take heed, he is one of the Flatterers. Remember
what it cost us once already for our hearkening to such kind of fellows. What!
no Mount Zion? Did we not see from the Delectable Mountains the gate of the
city? Also, are we not now to walk by faith?
Let us go on, lest the man with the whip overtake us again.
You should have taught me that lesson, which I will sound you in the ears
withal: “Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the
words of knowledge.” I say, my brother, cease to hear
him, and let us believe to the saving of the soul.
Christian: My brother, I did not put the question to thee,
for that I doubted of the truth of our belief myself, but to prove thee, and to
fetch from thee a fruit of the honesty of thy heart. As for this man, I know
that he is blinded by the God of this world. Let thee and me go on, knowing
that we have belief of the truth; and no lie is of the truth.